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  1. tradesfather

    Marketplace is Live!

    Classifieds is now live! You can visit it here: Top menu > Classifieds Sellers post items for sale, mostly will be at a significant discounted prices. Buyers can contact the seller directly and make arrangements (via PM or public posts), without our site and involvement. If you would like...
  2. tradesfather

    Contractors! We want to hear from you

    Calling on all contractors and trade professionals: Please post your questions or comments here. What do you like or dislike about this site? Any features you like to see?
  3. tradesfather

    How to send private message (PM)

    You can privately send a message to any users on this forum. It's super easy! -- -- --
  4. tradesfather

    Frequently asked questions

    1. What the purpose of this website? This forum is open to all involved in the home construction and trades including homeowners, contractors, trade professionals, suppliers, inspectors, engineers, architects. Common examples: Homeowners seeking advice or hire contractor for a job Contractors...
  5. tradesfather

    Forum now open

    At last forum is now launched! Please feel free to post, connect, and join in the conversations. This forum is free and open to everyone. Remember to keep it civil and respectful.
  6. tradesfather

    Directory Contractors Directory- Southern California

    Name Trade Services County Language Phone Roc Electric Electrical (Licensed) All electrical services Orange, Los Angeles English, Spanish 562-632-7774 Sam Baciu (D-Bac Electric) Electrical (Licensed) All electrical services Orange, Los Angeles, Ventura, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego...