Search results

  1. D

    How to find the right contractor

    I can say my experience has been good with the directory. Saved me good money and lot of pain.
  2. D

    Can lights?

    I recently had a contractor install ceiling recessed lights, and decided to go with traditional cans/ lights (not slim canless). My reason was that I can easily switch out the lights (trims) if they were to go out in the future, vs. slim canless you'd have to rewire it which I didn't want to...
  3. D

    Can lights vs ceiling lights

    Hi, Is can lights same as ceiling lights? I am confused as I see many people calling them different things. I would like to put up either flat/ flush lights, are these the same thing?
  4. D

    Sliding door

    Irvine, just 1 door in bedroom. Thanks
  5. D

    Sliding door

    Hi, first time here. I'm looking to put in a sliding door in my home, anyone do this sorta thing?